OrderedMultiDictionary Generic Class

Wintellect PowerCollections

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The OrderedMultiDictionary class that associates values with a key. Unlike an OrderedDictionary, each key can have multiple values associated with it. When indexing an OrderedMultidictionary, instead of a single value associated with a key, you retrieve an enumeration of values.

All of the key are stored in sorted order. Also, the values associated with a given key are kept in sorted order as well.

When constructed, you can chose to allow the same value to be associated with a key multiple times, or only one time.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public class OrderedMultiDictionary<TKey, TValue> : MultiDictionaryBase<TKey, TValue>, ICloneable
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class OrderedMultiDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) _
	Inherits MultiDictionaryBase(Of TKey, TValue) _
	Implements ICloneable
Visual C++
generic<typename TKey, typename TValue>
public ref class OrderedMultiDictionary : public MultiDictionaryBase<TKey, TValue>, 

Type Parameters

The type of the keys.
The of values associated with the keys.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  Wintellect.PowerCollections..::CollectionBase<(Of <KeyValuePair<(Of <TKey, ICollection<(Of <TValue>)>>)>>)>
    Wintellect.PowerCollections..::MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
      Wintellect.PowerCollections..::OrderedMultiDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>

See Also